.". Workplace Safety, Workplace Audit, WSH Program Resources Blog: ISO14001

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Showing posts with label ISO14001. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISO14001. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 March 2023

QEHS Training and Consultancy Services

Concord Associates Pte Ltd pool of qualified QEHS personnel have extensive experience with all types of industries from both the private and public sectors. We are committed in assisting our valued clients in meeting their Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety objectives.

Development of Safety & Health Management System (SHMS)

  • ISO 45001 / OHSAS 18001
  • SS 651 / SS 506
  • CP 79
  • Provides a structure framework to help identify OHS hazards and risks
  • Develop intervention strategies and implement OHS programmes for continual improvement
  • Manage OHS risks effectively, comply with relevant legislation, develop positive safety culture and achieve excellence in OHS performance
  • Improves productivity through reduction of workplace accidents
  • Reduces/prevents downtime or costs related to accidents
  • Attaining ISO 45001 / OHSAS 18001 / SS 651 / SS 506 certifications demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to meet OHS best practices and legislations
  • It also demonstrates the organisation’s proactive approach to protect the health and safety of the workforce as well as the interest of stakeholders and the community.

Development of Risk Assessment / Management System

  • Risk management comprises of risk assessment, communication, and implementation of appropriate control measures and monitoring of its effectiveness.
  • Under the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations, every workplace must conduct risk assessment
  • Our consultants can advise on the risk assessment methodology, techniques to identify hazards at workplaces, insights on safety and health risks on work activities and other WSH issues.
  • We also conduct Risk Management (RM) and Risk Assessment (RA) courses for workers to managers
  • Our MOM Approved Risk Consultants (ARC) can assist companies in building in-house capabilities to implement risk management.

Development of ISO 9001 (Quality Management System)

  • With the QMS in place and working for you, the organization is focused towards the Quality Goals.
  • Management is provided with data on a continual basis and able to see progress or lack of progress towards goals and take appropriate action.
  • The organized, scheduled process of conducting Management Review ensures that this evaluation takes place. It provides the mechanism of reviewing goals and performance against goals on a scheduled basis, and for taking action based on the evaluation.
  • A company that is certified ISO 9001 will benefit from an efficient quality management system that will save time and cost, improve efficiency and ultimately improve customer relationships.

Development of ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System)

  • Development of ISIt aims to put environmental management at the heart and soul of your operations in working towards sustainable success.
  • This system provides a systematic and proactive approach to managing environmental issues for organisations whose products and services have an impact on the environment.
  • Certified ISO 14001 organisations also enjoy dollar savings as a result of enhanced efficiency in the use of energy and water resources, effective management of wastes, legislative compliance, eco-friendly environment, social care and customer satisfaction.O 14001 (Environmental Management System)

Development of SS 577 (Water Efficiency Management System)

  • Developed by the Public Utilities Board, SPRING Singapore and industry stakeholders, the standard aims to provide a set of framework and guidelines, as well as suggested tools and best practices, for water users to adopt to make improvements to their water usage and efficiency.
  • The requirements of water usage, monitoring, measurement, documentation and reporting, design and procurement practices for equipment, systems, processes and personnel that contribute to water efficiency are spelt out.
  • The standard thereby assists organisations to prepare their Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP).
  • Companies that are certified SS 577 recognise the impact and savings of water usage, show responsibility in water usage accountability and also demonstrate their commitment to continually enhance their water usage and efficiency.
  • Funding of up to 70% is available for companies interested to apply for the SS 577 Certification.
  • Our notable clients include the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources and Parkway Parade (Management Corporation Strata Title No. 1008).

Development of Legal Register

  • We can assist to develop and maintain EHS legal register for our clients that are customised to their industry upon consultation with client.
  • An update-to-date legal register is an effective means to ensure that applicable EHS legal requirements are easily documented and communicated to relevant personnel within an organisation.

Emergency Response Planning

  • Some organisations are required to establish the Emergency Response Plan to respond and manage crisis and emergency situations.
  • We will customise and develop a Emergency Response Plan to be adopted by the organisation upon studying of the organisation’s structure, industry and requirements.

Expert Witness and Incident Investigation

  • Incidents, near-misses and accidents cannot be overlooked and must be investigated.
  • Our team of experts will analyse the facts of the incidents to determine their causes, thereby allowing the organisation to learn from them and prevent future occurrences of similar incidents.

Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme

  • The Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme is a systemic intervention tool to assist weaker WSH performing companies to focus on developing and implementing a robust safety and health management system to improve their WSH performance.
  • We will assist companies in identifying systemic lapses to develop an action plan as per MOM requirement
  • During the implementation stage, we will assist the companies in their corporate and site(s) WSHMS enhancement through WSH review, inspections and trainings.

WSH Research Projects / Perception Study

  • We can help to plan and gather information on a WSH topic that is pertinent to your organisation’s need.
  • Through the research, we will monitor the WSH issue concerned to study the causes, effects, recommendations and others related to the WSH topic.

Environmental Sanitation Regime

  • From mid-2021 onwards, baseline environmental sanitation standards will be made mandatory for specified premises, starting with higher-risk premises with immuno-vulnerable occupants and/or high footfall such as preschools, schools, youth facilities and eldercare facilities followed by hawker centres and coffeeshops. 

  • The ES regime builds on existing hygiene and sanitation measures already practised by the various sectors and premises; and aims to move towards a co-regulatory approach where all stakeholders take accountability and ownership of the environmental sanitation standards within their respective premises.
  • We can help to develop and implement an environmental sanitation programme.
  • We can provide Part-Time or Full-Time Environmental Control Coordinator to companies to assist in maintenance and implementation of environmental sanitation programmes.

SCDF upcoming events

Workplace Safety and Health Act Subsidiary Legislation

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